Disjecta Membra
Florian HUET

Disjecta membra : Latin expression meaning literally scattered members, scattered fragments, and used to refer to fragments of poems, manuscripts, literary objects or ancient pottery that survived time.

The fetishist eye cuts the body, collects the parts.
This organization of desire by the negation of the whole, of the subject, is fundamentally ambiguous and violent by its morbidity. It reveals a conditioning of the eye as an instrument of a sad reification.
Nevertheless, when the fetishistic logic continues, it can, by intensification, undermine, counteract, this pernicious circle. The object of desire becomes more and more circumscribed, the arrangements it passes through more and more codified and specific, until it is fully singular and capable, perhaps, of bringing out from the tiniest the intensified nature of the subject.

Disjecta Membra seeks an alchemy of gaze that might be able to thwart the trap.
There is the search for an ethical gaze, which is neither the morbid fragmentation nor the totalitarian and prison ideal of a panoptic vision.
An ethics reminiscent of the samurai, or rather the samurai movies, where the samurai, like the filmmaker, must cut, slice. The challenge will be to find the way to slice that can forestall the morbid violence of the gesture: the one who gives back to body its integrity.

An alchemy of the gaze, for the transformative path passes through putrefaction, begins in defilement and vulgarity. To seek the delicacy of the line while plunging into the soiled flesh and its irremediable entropy.

Disjecta Membra has its origins in a series of sexual drawings exhibited in Brussels on April 1, 2016 by Callipyge Club.

Technical informations :

size : 15 x 21 cm

release date : 2019/2020 (?)